Regulatory Law

Our Regulatory Team has extensive expertise in advising and representing parties in all manner of Regulatory Law matters.

Our expertise

Our team of specialist regulatory Barristers regularly act for Teachers, Nurses, Solicitors, Barristers, Doctors, Accountants and other professionals before their various regulatory bodies. They also have wide-ranging expertise in Sports Law and are able to provide representation across the full range of sports’ governing bodies. We are able to work directly with professionals in need of help as well as accepting instructions from Solicitors in the more traditional manner.

Our barristers have been involved in a number of high-profile regulatory cases including cases arising out of the recent “Trojan Horse” affair in Birmingham. Other significant examples of our work include success at the High Court on behalf of a “superhead”, and securing a mental health nurse’s authorisation to practice despite several serious allegations relating to the religious grooming and emotional abuse.

As well as representing professionals, our specialist team also regularly present and prosecute disciplinary cases and offer advice and representation in cases relating to local authority and statutory regulation and compliance (including health and safety, environmental protection, transport, trading standards, planning law and permissions, food hygiene, and licensing, including of firearms, liquor and private hire). Members of our Team also act in coronial matters, inquests and inquiries; in the Court Martial; in prison law matters; and in ecclesiastical matters.

Cornwall Street Barristers has a strategic alliance with niche regulatory law firm The Reflective Practice where former member Andrew Faux is a co-director.

Regulation Law_Professional

Professional Discipline

Regulation Law_Medical

Medical Regulation

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Nurse Regulation

Regulation Law_Solicitor

Solicitor Regulation

Regulation Law_Teaching

Teaching Regulation

Regulation Law_Licensing


Why choose our team

Our team offers exceptionally high-quality advice and representation and many of whom have national reputations. With a team who live and work nationally, they are able to extend their expertise across the country whether that be in person or remote.

The team prides itself on its commercial awareness and being able to provide effective and pragmatic solutions for those who instruct them and they are held in high regard as evidenced by the number of repeat instructions they receive from local and national firms, and Unions.

Team philosophy


Pragmatic and Sensible

Dealing with cases sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.


Client Focused

Ensuring we are approachable so we can relate to clients and understand their needs whilst remaining professional to secure the best outcome.


Committed to Excellence

Keeping up to date with the Law and channeling our expertise into ensuring first class advice and representation for our clients.

Meet the team