Dec 22, 2021 | News, Pupillage Blogs, Uncategorized
Cornwall Street Barristers, which has centres in Birmingham, Oxford and Maidstone, has increased its pupillage award for recruitment during 2022/2023 to £32,000 from £17,000. Not only that, the significant increase will benefit a return to taking on three pupils in...
Jun 11, 2020 | Pupillage Blogs
Written by Shannon O’Connor Back in November last year, I wrote a blog entry about my first few months of pupillage. If someone had told me then that I would be wearing pink slippers during my first appearance in the Crown Court, and asking my client to...
Feb 18, 2020 | Pupillage Blogs
Written by Olivia Appleby, Second Six Pupil Although I am nearing the end of my second six, it seems as though it was only yesterday that I started on my feet, the time has gone so quickly! I have been enjoying a mixed practice of Crime, Civil and Family, which has...
Dec 12, 2019 | Pupillage Blogs
Written by Shannon O’Connor, First Six Pupil My first three months of pupillage have been spent predominately in the crown court with my supervisor, Jonathan Veasey-Pugh. My supervisor defended in a trial that lasted three weeks, with seven counts on the...