Cornwall Street’s Jonathan Storey (instructed by Clare Woodland of Thompsons Solicitors) has helped to preserve the career of a primary school Headteacher who had been charged by his regulator, the Teaching Regulation Agency, with serious maladministration and dishonesty in relation to Key Stage 2 SATs.
Jonathan’s client, the Headteacher of a large primary school in South East England, admitted two allegations of maladministration but denied another, and admitted dishonesty. After hearing oral evidence on both sides, the Professional Conduct Panel hearing his case accepted the basis of his admissions and rejected the single allegation that he had denied. Despite making a finding of dishonesty, and finding the Headteacher guilty of unacceptable professional conduct, the panel was persuaded by Jonathan’s detailed submissions in mitigation, and the Secretary of State for Education agreed that the public interest was, unusually, satisfied by a public finding of misconduct.
Jonathan is a specialist practitioner in the field of professional regulation and works regularly with teachers, nurses, doctors, and other professionals facing disciplinary proceedings at all stages from initial referral to appeal. His approach combines persuasive advocacy with highly personalised and compassionate advice and expert support throughout the life of a case.