Throughout this challenging time we have remained open and ready to serve the needs of our clients. For our clients, they will have seen no difference in the way in which we deliver services as we have seamlessly refocused the way in which we work; taking an accelerated move to more agile infrastructure which has allowed us to provide the same renowned calibre of care and service remotely.

We are beginning to see green shoots appearing and with the easing of the lockdown comes a return to some normality. Whatever this ‘new normal’ may look like, you can be certain that we will continue to adapt to your needs and the needs of our community.

As of the 1st of September we are very pleased to announce that we will begin the process of a gradual return to our physical workspace on Cornwall Street with our staff working on a rota basis. We have put in place comprehensive social distancing procedures and are monitoring the public health situation on a weekly basis ensuring that we remain up to date with the latest government advice both nationally and locally.

We have also established our Remote Connection Suites throughout lockdown. This facility has been our contribution to reducing the backlog in legal proceedings by providing three fully equipped office suites for fully remote or hybrid hearings and conferences. Situated on the lower ground floor of our offices in central Birmingham, these suites are available to anyone from the legal profession. It goes without saying that safety is our highest priority in offering this service and ensuring compliance with social distancing and Covid-19 guidelines has been at the forefront of our minds. These can be booked seamlessly here or by contacting our Clerking Team.

If there is anyway that we can be of service or offer assistance or advice to any of our friends in the legal community at this time, please do not hesitate to contact our Chambers Director James Farmer at