Dr Farrah Raza publishes work on Religious Accommodation
Cornwall Street Barristers were proud and pleased to sponsor the book launch of Dr Farrah Raza who is one of our academic members.
Dr Raza’s new book “Religious Accommodation and its Limits” was launched on 23rd November 2023. It addresses the difficult questions of the grounds on which religious accommodation claims may be limited, and when religious claims harm the autonomy of others.
The book launch saw contributions from notable academics Professor Sandra Fredman, Professor Nazila Ghanea and Professor Justin Jones together with Sir Ernest Ryder who is a former Lord Justice and currently Master of Pembroke College.
Further details of Dr Raza’s book can be found from the Bloomsbury website.
Dr Farrah Raza is an Academic Associate Member of Cornwall Street Barristers. Dr Raza leads the Minerva Research Group entitled The Ethics of Exchange: the Regulation of Organ Donation and Transplantation at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology and she is also a Stipendiary Lecturer in Public Law at Pembroke College, University of Oxford.