Christopher Pembridge (instructed by East Midland Police Legal Services) has succeeded in securing the imposition of a Stalking Protection Order against Alex Belfield at Nottingham Magistrates Court.

Mr Belfied was convicted of numerous offences of stalking, including against the BBC presenter Jeremy Vine, and his case attracted widespread national news coverage. He was sentenced to 5 and a half years imprisonment by Nottingham Crown Court in September 2022.

Following prolonged negotiation between the parties and submissions from Mr Pembridge, the District Judge agreed to impose a new Stalking Protection Order on 1st June 2023. This order will complement existing restraining orders and was imposed specifically to protect two further people who were not part of the original criminal case, but remained at risk from Mr Belfield. The renewed application attracted further media attention from the BBC, Guardian and local news outlets.

View the Guardian’s news coverage here

View the Mirror’s news coverage here

View BBC News news coverage here

View the Daily Mail’s news coverage here