Cornwall Street Barristers is delighted to announce the appointment of Rebecca Keeves and Simon Bradshaw as Deputy District Judges. Simon and Rebecca will both sit part-time on the Midland Circuit while retaining their practices at Cornwall Street.
Andrew Tucker, Head of Chambers at Cornwall Street said, “We are delighted to learn of the appointment of Simon and Rebecca as Deputy District Judges. It is a personal credit to each of them that they have been entrusted with this responsibility so early in their careers at the Bar and that their abilities have been recognised by the Lord Chief Justice. We wish them every success in their judicial functions.”
Rebecca Keeves was called to the Bar in 2010 and has since practised predominately in civil law as a solicitor’s agent, in-house advocate, Litigation Executive, Fellow of CILEX and solicitor advocate, before joining Cornwall Street Barristers in 2018. She specialises in property and contractual disputes and also appears in private children matters. Outside of the Bar, Rebecca holds a number of positions of responsibility, including as an independent governor of a Midlands-based college.
Simon Bradshaw was called to the Bar in 2009 following a career as an RAF engineering officer. He has a joint civil and family practice, focusing on business, property and commercial law for the former and financial disputes on divorce for the latter. He sits on the committee of the Midland Chancery and Commercial Bar Association and the Dispute Resolution Committee of the Birmingham Law Society.