Mar 29, 2021 | Barrister, Civil, Direct Access, Family
SimonBradshaw Head of Civil Team | Called 2008 |Public Access Accredited FollowFollowFollow Background Growing up in Surrey, Simon studied electronics at Imperial College, London, before serving as an Engineering Officer in the Royal Air Force. Having become...
Mar 30, 2021 | Barrister, Civil, Cornwall Street South, Direct Access, Family
Rebecca Keeves Barrister | Called 2010 |Public Access Accredited FollowFollowFollow Background Rebecca was called to the Bar in 2010 having completed the Bar Vocational Course at the College of Law (now the University of Law). She has been a Fellow of the Chartered...
Dec 7, 2021 | Barrister, Civil, Cornwall Street South, Crime, Direct Access, Regulatory
James Hay Barrister | Called 2012 FollowFollowFollow Background James is ranked as a Leading Junior in Chambers & Partners UK Bar. James’ practice encompasses all areas of Chambers’ criminal and quasi-criminal defence work in both the civilian courts and...
Mar 30, 2021 | Barrister, Civil, Cornwall Street South, Crime, Direct Access
Matthew Bolt Barrister | Called 2012 FollowFollowFollow Background Matthew has a busy common law practice and is available for instructions across all areas of Chambers’ work. Described as “hands on, easy to work with”, and someone who “quickly gets to the heart...
Oct 10, 2022 | Barrister, Civil, Crime, Immigration
Adrian Crossley Barrister | Called 2013 Public Access Accredited FollowFollowFollow Background Adrian has a busy and almost exclusively civil practice. He started his career at the bar as a Prosecutor, having gained a scholarship from the Crown Prosecution Service,...
Sep 12, 2023 | Barrister, Civil, Cornwall Street South
Hazel Hobbs Barrister (Door Tenant) | Called 2015 FollowFollowFollow Background Hazel practises predominantly as a commercial and property barrister, although she has a vast amount of experience in a number of areas. Hazel goes over and above for each and every one of...