
Barrister | Called 2017

Nomas Chizhowezha


Nomsa completed her pupillage in the East Midlands before joining Chambers in July 2020.

Her main practice area is family law, where she specialises in care and private child work. She is a thorough and effective advocate who has a growing reputation for her detailed preparation and the calmness she exhibits in handling complex matters.

She is particularly applauded for her work with vulnerable clients including those with severe learning and mental health difficulties.

In addition to representing clients at hearings, Nomsa is available to provide advise both in conference and in writing on prospects of success, points of law and procedure.

Aside from care and child matters, Nomsa has a keen interest in the regulation of professionals operating in this area.


  • Bar Professional Training Course, BPP Law (Very Competent)
  • Master of Law (LLM), Professional Legal Practice (Distinction)
  • Bachelor of Law (LLB), Anglia Ruskin University (First Class)

Nomsa‘s expertise

Family Law

Nomsa has experience acting for Local Authorities, parents and children in public law cases. She has conducted public law cases from an interim stage until the final hearing including fact-finding and multi-day hearings. Nomsa has experience in matters involving:

  • Neglect
  • Sexual abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • drug/alcohol misuse (FDAC)
  • non-accidental injuries
  • Adoption

Within private law, Nomsa regularly represents parents and children in matters of all levels of complexity, involving

  • domestic abuse
  • substance misuse
  • emotional harm
  • coercive and controlling behaviour
  • alienation and intractable contact disputes
  • parental mental health
  • neglect
  • parental alienation

Nomsa is also instructed in relation to non-molestation and occupation orders.


What a brilliant outcome and exactly what our client wanted. I am so very pleased for our client and cannot thank you enough for all of your hard work on this one. I hope to work together again soon. 

“… she was absolutely brilliant got my points across clearly although other parties were not understanding she was absolutely amazing and such a huge support to myself too .”

Professional Memberships
  • The Honourable Society of the Middle Temple
  • West Midlands Family Law Bar Association 

Outside of work, Nomsa enjoys reading and travelling the world.